Moon phases and their uses in witchcraft
Posted by Neil Trigger on
In this post, I’ll explain the different phases of the moon and how witches use the moon to enhance their magic spells. The moon is an entrancing thing. On a clear night, when the full moon is shining serenely in the inky sky, it’s usually pretty hard to pull your eyes away from it. It’s a beautiful orb and it has a weird kind of mesmeric power. Witches have known about the power of the moon for thousands of years. The moon’s cycle has been tied to menstruation since the lunar and menstrual cycles correlate surprisingly closely. It is perhaps...
New Products.
Posted by Neil Trigger on
Recently, we have all been working on lots of new and exciting new products to help make your life more magical. Not only have we come up with an amazing new cocktail cookbook that look and feel like real magic potions, but we've also extended this too. We are now looking to launch a deck of cocktail recipe cards before Christmas as well as some new tshirt designs, drinking glasses and one other thing... We have been working very hard in getting The Gobble Inn up and running. This is a wizard pub that we will be using as a...
What's going on!?
Posted by Neil Trigger on
Over the last few weeks, we've seen a massive shift in the way Real Wizardry is going. It had been my plan to use Etsy - almost exclusively - to sell my hand made potions, posters, tshirt designs and stuff like that. Unfortunately, Etsy disabled my store. I still don't know why they did it. I checked their policies and I don't think I'm in breach of anything. Nevertheless, I'm kinda sick of being so reliant on Etsy to get my products seen by other people, so I started playing with a few other options. This one seems to be...